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Why younger generation is thinking going to school is a waste of time?

Updated: Aug 12, 2023

There are generally three types of children commonly found. The first type is easily influenced by their peers or social media, absorbing negativity rather than positive outcomes. The second type influences others negatively, posing harm to both themselves and those they influence. The third type of children, fortunate in having parents who prioritize their well-being, grow up in a healthy environment, paving the way for success and happiness in life. Before the advent of social media and the internet, children rarely questioned the importance of attending school and college. If they did question it during their higher education, it was typically with the intention of starting their own business or entering a new realm with unique skills. Nowadays, many children believe they can make a living solely by creating YouTube videos, disregarding the value of education. It is truly unfortunate.

Let us explore the underlying reasons for such thinking and identify potential strategies to generate interest among them.

  • Some children tend to believe that parents and teachers should always praise them, regardless of their actions. Even when parents or teachers offer constructive feedback to encourage improvement, these children perceive it negatively and lose interest in future endeavors. As a result, if teachers don't provide praise, school can seem pointless to them. While parents cannot control the behavior of teachers, they can choose not to emphasize improvement and instead focus on praising the effort, allowing the children to naturally strive for better outcomes on their own.

  • A significant number of children struggle with laziness, making it challenging for them to wake up in the morning and attend school. This issue often stems from a parenting mistake, where parents initially pamper their children, leading them to take things for granted. To address this, parents should encourage their children to engage in physical activities from a young age, helping them overcome laziness and develop a habit of waking up early on their own. Additionally, parents themselves should establish the habit of waking up early, setting a positive example for their children.

  • Children are often influenced by social media and online gaming, leading them to prioritize these platforms over attending school. To address this, parents should initiate discussions about the advantages and disadvantages of social media while simultaneously emphasizing the importance of education. Instead of outright forbidding social media usage, parents can create an environment that allows for limited and monitored access. It is important to avoid explicitly asking children to stay away from social media, as this may inadvertently increase their attraction to it due to the desire to do what their parents forbid. By finding a balance and setting reasonable limits, parents can encourage responsible social media usage while maintaining a focus on academic pursuits.

  • Children are susceptible to being influenced by their peers, often perceiving that other children lead more privileged lives than themselves. This is a widespread phenomenon, and it is crucial to consistently raise children's awareness of their surroundings. Parents should avoid pretending that they are better off and instead openly discuss their family's circumstances with their children. By sharing the situation honestly, parents can help children understand the steps they need to take to improve their own lives gradually. Encouraging such awareness empowers children to make informed decisions and work towards personal growth.

  • Occasionally, employing a direct approach can yield better outcomes. When a child expresses disinterest in going to school, rather than simply accepting their reluctance, encourage them to attend and demonstrate their lack of interest. For instance, if a child expresses a desire to pursue business instead of studying, challenge them to try selling a pen and observe the results. This hands-on experience will provide them with a firsthand understanding of the challenges involved, fostering personal growth and helping them recognize the value of both education and parental guidance.

It can be an immensely challenging task for parents when their children are unwilling to comply with their guidance, and this is a widespread phenomenon worldwide. Finding a straightforward solution to this challenge is difficult. However, it is crucial to remain patient and do your best to encourage them to improve. Over time, they will likely make progress, so there is no need to panic or consider it the end of the world. Trust that they will surpass our own accomplishments and excel in their own way.

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