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The Prevalence of Low-Quality Content on YouTube

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

YouTube is a platform that primarily features content created by its users, allowing anyone to upload videos. While this inclusivity promotes creativity and diversity, it also results in a wide variety of content, some of which may not be of high quality or well-organized. YouTube has strict policies regarding monetization, allowing only original content to be monetized. As the saying goes, when you open the doors to the wind, you also invite dust inside, and the same is true for YouTube, where not all content is valuable. Content creation is not a subject typically taught in school, so many individuals may not know how to produce high-quality content and may focus solely on earning money.

However, there are exceptional content creators on the platform who have inspired billions with their unique talents and educational, spiritual, and calming content. What are the specific areas where YouTube content may pose issues?

let's look into those in detail.

  • CPM, which stands for cost per mille, indicates the amount that advertisers pay creators for every 1,000 views or clicks. For example, if a video has 200,000 views and a CPM of $10.50, its total revenue is $2,100. However, several other factors determine the actual earnings, and the average CPM is high for activities such as affiliate marketing, investing, dropshipping, stocks, and other investment options, including real estate and Amazon affiliate marketing. Consequently, most influencers focus on creating such content, regardless of their experience. As a result, many videos are indistinguishable and showcase how creators have earned millions through these activities, even though their income mainly originates from these videos rather than their actual endeavors. Some enthusiasts create courses and earn money, but greed leads some of them to end up behind bars.

  • Cooking channels have become the next most important genre on YouTube. While cooking has traditionally been the domain of professionals who work hard to learn combinations and techniques, and may even travel to specific countries to master dishes, now anyone can start a cooking channel from their home. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, some creators use incorrect combinations and misleading thumbnails that showcase images sourced from Instagram, resulting in their actual food appearing quite different and even using food coloring. Perhaps YouTube should challenge these cooking channels to eat their own food for a month and see if they can survive. As a result of these channels, street food is also changing, and people are mixing and altering traditional street foods, which are a crucial aspect of many countries.

  • Numerous channels on YouTube showcase content that lacks any moral values. For instance, some channels feature individuals conversing with spirits, claiming to have communicated with them and confirming the death of missing persons, while the entire world searches for them. Additionally, some channels release obituary videos daily for celebrities, even when they are alive and well, which is unethical.

  • Another significant fraudulent channel type on YouTube is weight loss channels. Many individuals start discussing diets and exercises without a fundamental understanding of the human system and how it varies from person to person. There is no universal solution to reducing belly fat, yet these influencers claim to possess thousands of different silver bullets to tackle this issue.

  • Several individuals resort to using cheap tricks for publicity. They employ eye-catching thumbnails to entice viewers to click on their videos, which may initially generate attention. However, such tactics often fail to retain viewers for an extended period, resulting in the creators not making significant profits. Instead, they merely rely on these inexpensive ploys.

  • One of the most significant issues on YouTube is the propagation of negativity. It is common knowledge that negativity travels faster than light, and many channels, including news channels, spread negativity at an alarming pace, resulting in the content being disseminated among negative individuals more quickly than among positive ones.

I do not intend to speak ill or propagate negativity. Rather, I humbly request that we stop supporting individuals who propagate negativity. Unless we do so, the spread of negativity will continue unchecked. Instead, let us focus on promoting healthy content, so we can enhance our enjoyment of YouTube.

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