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How to raise a child with self esteem? Parenting #1

Until recently, parenting was not considered a subject of discussion. In the past, children spent most of their time playing with others, then ate, read, and slept. During holidays, they may have had more playtime and visited family. It wasn't until they reached university level that they decided what they wanted to do, and even then, some remained uncertain. Nowadays, modern-day parents often decide their child's future based on their current interests or missed opportunities. This can put children under stress and cause them to lose their childhood. As Sadhguru suggests, "we shouldn't treat children like cattle. Cattle are raised and children should be cultivated and we should watch how it blossom'. While every parent wants their child to succeed, it's important to remember that each child is unique and their path in life will be different. If we don't address these issues, future generations will continue to follow the same patterns or become frustrated radicals.

Raising a child with self-esteem is important for their emotional and mental well-being, and it can help them develop resilience and confidence. Here are some tips to help you raise a child with self-esteem:

  1. Encourage independence: It is important to motivate your child to venture into new experiences and make their own decisions. This will assist them in cultivating their self-confidence and independence. Even if you have achieved success in a particular field, your child may have distinct talents and interests. Therefore, it is beneficial to allow them to explore and discover their own path in order to find fulfillment. As a parent, it is essential to have meaningful conversations with your child about their choices and provide your perspective, but ultimately, they should be allowed to take charge of their own life decisions.

  2. Focus on strengths: Rather than concentrating on your child's shortcomings, it is preferable to emphasize their strengths and motivate them to enhance their abilities and pursue their interests. This approach will foster a positive atmosphere and enable the child to identify their strengths and weaknesses, learn how to leverage their strengths and work on improving their weaknesses in the future.

  3. Praise effort, not just achievement: Rather than solely acknowledging your child's accomplishments, it is important to appreciate their hard work and dedication. This will aid in fostering a growth mindset and instill a sense of pride in their efforts. As a parent, it is crucial to recognize the significance of putting in 100% effort and to impart the same understanding to our children.

  4. Provide opportunities for success: Offering your child opportunities to excel in diverse areas, such as athletics, academics, or artistic endeavors, can aid in fostering their self-esteem and confidence. When children are encouraged to explore their unique talents and interests, they can flourish and potentially build a future in that area. This is preferable to imposing parental preferences on children, which can be detrimental to their growth and development.

  5. Encourage positive self-talk: Motivate your child to utilize positive self-talk and encourage them to be compassionate towards themselves. This approach can assist in building a positive self-image and diminishing negative self-talk. This is especially crucial since children tend to be drawn to negativity more easily than positivity.

  6. Teach problem-solving skills: Imparting problem-solving skills to your child can instill a sense of empowerment and enable them to overcome obstacles with confidence. This approach can help children manage life's challenges without experiencing excessive stress or anxiety.

  7. Provide a safe and supportive environment: Creating a secure and nurturing atmosphere where your child feels loved and valued can aid in fostering their sense of self-worth and security. While we are born into a particular family, country, and location that determine 50% of our life, the other 50% is determined by our genes. By providing a safe environment, we can encourage our children to become future leaders rather than succumbing to a slave mentality.

Allow your children to grow and develop at their own pace, relishing each stage of their journey and living life on their own terms. As a parent, our role is to support them and be a good friend rather than a hindrance or burden.

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