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How movie reviews are spoiling the Economy?

Updated: Feb 17, 2023

Movie reviews are a significant part of the modern entertainment industry. Many of us like to read reviews to get an idea of how a film is perceived by others before we decide to watch it. It's natural to want to know what others think of a product before we buy it, but is the same true for movies? Let's find out.

Let’s take a quick look at how the movie reviews used to happen earlier, In the golden days where there was no TV or Internet, Movies were solely dependent on newspapers and news magazines for publicity. The review of the movie was by the people who actually watched the movie in a theatre after buying a ticket. So the final talk of the movie is the majority of the people sharing their views with one another after watching the movie. Looks time consuming but it used to work many many years.

Things have changed now and now we have the internet and also the streaming platforms and a person watches in his/her bedroom and starts talking about the movie while watching itself. All of us watch the review and decide the movie is boring in a few minutes or few hours after the release of the movie.

Some enthusiasts even say that the movie censor board member told them that the movie is boring as if the board member is their family member. We are the next generation and we feel proud about the technology but are we really enjoying the movie or running behind sharing the movie review before anyone else?

  1. A movie is made by many brilliant minds coming together. I would say brilliant because those who are reviewing the movie also think they are brilliant, right? I am not saying movies are made by brilliant people so we watch without commenting, no. My intention is, don’t judge a book by its cover similarly don’t rush to a conclusion just because you don’t like it. There are many elements in a movie and each one of us can enjoy one particular type depending on our interests.

  2. In the current world, movies open at many theatres and the openings of the movie brings profit to the theatres and to the producers of the movie. So a movie's revenue is strictly dependant on the first week collections or mostly two weeks. This is where the challenge comes when the reviewer basically uses his brilliant brain and starts talking rubbish about the movie. We humans won't process positivity easily but negativity spreads within no time. So is the review helping a movie in any way?

What can we do to help the movie industry?

  1. One option is to enforce a ban on movie reviews for the first few weeks after a film's release. This way, the film's success would depend on the public's response, similar to how it used to be in the past. Another option is for movie review channels to focus on their own opinions and preferences, rather than predicting a film's box office performance on the first day of release. Additionally, they could avoid using misleading thumbnails to attract viewers.

  2. Movies are meant to provide entertainment, and the filmmakers and actors are doing the best to entertain us in their own way. So let's relax and enjoy the show.

  3. By supporting the movie industry, we can also support the many people who depend on it for their livelihood. And by enjoying ourselves, we can also contribute to the economy.

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